Light Pink - Container Roses
Over the years buying roses in pots has become increasingly popular due to the appeal of being able to achieve instant colour within your garden...
Containerised roses are planted into 4 litre pots during the winter months, whilst the roses are dormant. They are available at any time of year and are dispatched within 3-5 working days, wherever possible. If a container rose is purchased in the spring, we recommend that it is left within its pot until early June to give the roots time to bind with the surrounding soil. Roses planted in the summer must be watered daily until they have had sufficient time for their roots to become established.
Containerised roses are planted into 4 litre pots during the winter months, whilst the roses are dormant. They are available at any time of year and are dispatched within 3-5 working days, wherever possible. If a container rose is purchased in the spring, we recommend that it is left within its pot until early June to give the roots time to bind with the surrounding soil. Roses planted in the summer must be watered daily until they have had sufficient time for their roots to become established.